
St Saviour’s School has a range of policies and procedures to ensure the smooth running of the school and to advise parents, carers and children of best practice. The school is required by law to develop and implement certain policies covering such areas as safeguarding children’s welfare, health and safety, special educational needs, disability discrimination etc. These policies are reviewed regularly and are all agreed and ratified by the Governing Body. The school’s approach to teaching is laid out in our Teaching and Learning Policy and each subject area has its own policy which outlines how we teach the subject, what is taught and the different methods that we might use. There are several policies that are very important to keeping children safe and we ask parents to pay particular attention to these policies.
Any policies which are not on the website are available from the school office.

If you require any information regarding our SEN policies, please click here.

Reception 2025

Our Open Days are as follows:

St Saviour’s Open Days 
Tuesday 8th October – 10am 
Thursday 14th November – 6pm 
Saturday 7th December – 10am 
Thursday 9th January – 10am 

We look forward to welcoming you to our school.