Attendance & Punctuality


The expected attendance level at St Saviour’s is 97% and holidays during term time will not be authorised. All appointments, other than emergency ones, must be booked outside of school hours. Other than in an emergency, a letter or appointment card must be presented at the Main Office ahead of the appointment for the school to be able to authorise the absence.

We have a ‘Soft Start’ for Y1 – Y6 where the school is open from 8:40am for children to arrive at school and settle ready for the start of the school day. Remember your child must be in school by 8:55am to avoid a late mark.

If your child is going to be absent due to illness, please call or leave a detailed message for the office team, including the reason your child is off sick.

We celebrate attendance and punctuality weekly in our Celebration Assembly and our mascots ‘Blue the Peacock’ and ‘Ruby the Red Panda’ are awarded to the winning classes in KS1 and KS2!




To view our Attendance and Punctuality Policy, click Attendance SS (1).docxre