School Lunches and Snacks

Universal Free School Meals

All Pupils in KS1 and KS2 are entitled to Universal Free School Meals. You will receive an application form in your starter admissions pack when your child is in Reception.

School Snacks

We are very pleased to be part of the Governments’ School Fruit Scheme, which provides a piece of fruit to every child from Reception to Year 2.

Children are also welcome to bring their own fruit in addition to this and we are very happy for our older children to bring a piece of fruit to school to eat during the morning break. All children are encouraged to drink water regularly.

St Saviour’s is proud to be a healthy and nut free school so please ensure that your child does not bring any nut products in to St Saviour’s as their snack or as part of their lunch. Nut free cereal bars or fruit bars are recommended. We will not allow chocolate bars, crisps or fizzy drinks as morning snacks. If your child is found with nut products, these will be removed from your child and disposed of for the safety of our children with severe nut allergies.

School Lunches

At lunchtime, your child may have a school meal or bring a packed lunch from home. All children eat in the school hall, whether they have school meals or bring a packed lunch. If your child is bringing a packed lunch from home, please make sure that it does not contain nuts, sweets or fizzy drinks and that the drink is not in a glass bottle. All lunchboxes must be clearly marked with your child’s name.

Our school meals are cooked on-site by our catering team from Edwards & Ward

If you need any information on our school lunches, payment system or menu queries, please contact Edward & Wards directly on  or 07823564395

Please follow the link to see the school lunch menu School lunch menu 2024-25